Welcome to the homepage of Gerald Dunne
I am a Professor of Physics at UConn. I conduct research in theoretical particle physics, the physics of the fundamental building blocks of the natural world. In particular, I work on quantum field theory with applications to the strong interactions of sub-nuclear particles and fields such as quarks and gluons, as well as the application of large-scale ultra-intense lasers to particle physics. I also have an active research program in mathematical physics. I am a member of the UConn Particle-Astro-Nuclear (PAN) Group. For more information, see the tabs above.
Resurgence and Modularity: 6 week Workshop at Galileo Galilei Institute, April-May 2024
Gerald Dunne's Google Scholar Profile
Gerald Dunne's papers on arXiv
Quanta Magazine (Simons Foundation) article on Resurgence
Quanta Magazine (Simons Foundation) article on Path Integrals
Fall 2017 KITP Research Program: Resurgent Asymptotics in Physics and Mathematics
Gerald Dunne's papers at HEP-INSPIRE database
CERN 2014 Lectures on Resurgence
UConn Contact Widget
Phone: | +1.860.486.4978 |
E-mail: | gerald.dunne@uconn.edu |
Address: | Physics Department University of Connecticut, U-3046 196 Auditorium Road Storrs, CT 06269-3046 |
“Resurgence and Extreme QFT”, Theory Seminar, Stony Brook University, December 10, 2020
“Resurgent Asymptotics of Hopf Algebraic Renormalization”, invited lecture, Algebraic Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette (France), November 19, 2020
“Path Integrals: at the Intersection of Physics and Mathematics”, Math-Physics Seminar, UConn Math Department, November 13, 2020
“Decoding the Path Integral: Resurgence and Extreme QFT”, High Energy Physics seminar, University of Alabama, November 6, 2020
“Black Holes: the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics”, UConn Physics Colloquium, joint with Prof. Jon Trump, October 30, 2020
“Decoding the Path Integral: Resurgence and Extreme QFT”, Theoretical Physics Colloquium, hosted by Arizona State University, October 28, 2020
“Resurgence and Phase Transitions”, QFT Seminar, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo (Canada), October 20, 2020
“Resurgent Asymptotics of Hopf-Algebraic Dyson-Schwinger Equations.pdf“, Invited Lecture, Conference on Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalization, Schroedinger Institute, Vienna (Austria), October 14, 2020
“Resurgence, Phase Transitions and Large N”, Plenary Lecture and Discussion, Yukawa Institute (Kyoto, Japan), Conference on Nonperturbative Aspects of QFT, September 8, 2020
“Resurgence and Phase Transitions”, Seminar, Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia (Chile), August 20, 2020
“Resurgence, Phase Transitions and Extrapolation”, invited seminar, Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies (Ireland), June 24, 2020
“Resurgence and Phase Transitions”, KEK (Tsukuba, Japan) Theory Conference Plenary Talk, December 4, 2019
“Decoding the Path Integral: Resurgence and Non-Perturbative Physics”, KEK (Tsukuba, Japan) Laboratory Colloquium, December 3, 2019
“Resurgence and Phase Transitions”, UMass Amherst Physics Seminar, November 12, 2019
“Resurgent Extrapolation: Painleve I”, Rutgers Math Seminar, October 31, 2019.
“Resurgence and Non-Perturbative Physics”, Theory Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, October 29, 2019.
“Resurgence and Non-Perturbative Physics”, Theory Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, October 4, 2019.
“Decoding the Path Integral: Resurgent Asymptotics and Extreme Quantum Field Theory”, Conference Quantum Systems in Extreme Conditions, Heidelberg, September 23, 2019.
SLAC conference: Physics Opportunities at a Lepton Collider in the Fully Nonperturbative QED Regime, August 2019
"The Physics of Divergence”, Physics Colloquium, University of Seoul, South Korea, January 17, 2019
"Introduction to Resurgence and Non-perturbative Physics", lectures at the Kavli Asian Winter School on Strings, Particles and Cosmology, Seoul, January 7-17, 2019.
“Resurgent Extrapolation and Summation: Painleve I”, Ohio State Math, Analysis and Operator Theory Seminar, Dec 18, 2018.
“Introduction to Resurgence and Non-perturbative Physics”, Lectures at Winter School: Formal Developments in Quantum Field Theory, CP3-Origins, Odense, Nov 12-16, 2018.
"The Physics of Divergence: Resurgence and Non-Perturbative Physics”, Physics Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 19, 2018.
“Resurgence and Non-Perturbative Physics”, MITP, Mainz, Germany, September 28, 2018
“Resurgence and Phase Transitions”, CSSM Seminar, Adelaide University Physics, August 1, 2018.
“Stephen Hawking: His Life and His Physics”, Public Lecture, U3A Adelaide, July 30, 2018.
“Cosmic Collisions: Gravity Waves and Colliding Neutron Stars”, Public Lecture, U3A Adelaide, July 9, 2018.
“Resurgence and Perturbative/Non-perturbative Relations”, Les Houches Summer School: Structure of Local Quantum Fields, June 4-15, 2018.
“Resurgence, Large N and Phase Transitions”, Gauge Topology Workshop, ECT* Trento, May 29, 2018.
“Stephen Hawking: His Life and His Physics”, UConn Sigma Pi Sigma Colloquium, April 27, 2018
“Quantum Geometry of Perturbative/Non-perturbative relations”, Math Seminar, Rutgers, April 12, 2018
“Introduction to Resurgence and Non-perturbative Physics”, Lattice Field Theory Conference, ETH Zurich, March 8, 2018
"The Search for the Schwinger Effect: Non-perturbative Particle Production from Vacuum", Julian Schwinger Centennial Conference, Singapore, Feb 7-12, 2018.
“Introduction to Resurgence and Non-perturbative Physics“, 3 lectures at ICTS (Bangalore) Program: “Nonperturbative and Numerical Approaches to Quantum Gravity, String Theory and Holography”, January 27-February 5, 2018
Lead Coordinator: Resurgent Asymptotics in Physics and Mathematics, research program at KITP Santa Barbara, Oct. 9 - Dec. 15, 2017.
Colloquium: "Much Ado About Nothing: Creating Particles from Vacuum", Washington Univ. St. Louis, Sep. 13, 2017
"Quantum Geometry of Resurgent Perturbative/Non-perturbative Relations", RIMS-iTHEMS Resurgence Conference, Kobe, Sep. 2017
recorded lecture: Quantum Geometry of Resurgent Perturbative/Non-perturbative Relations, CARMA Conference, CIRM Luminy, June 2017
Conference co-organizer: Resurgence at Kavli-IPMU, University of Tokyo, Dec. 12-16, 2016
"Quantum Geometry of Resurgent Perturbative/Non-perturbative Relations", Kavli IPMU, Univ. of Tokyo, Dec. 14, 2016
Colloquium: "Much Ado About Nothing: Creating Particles from Vacuum", Emory Univ, November 15, 2016
Lecture Course: "Introduction to Resurgence and Semiclassical Physics", VIII Parma International School of Theoretical Physics, Parma, September 3-10, 2016
"Gravity Waves and Merging Black Holes'', public lecture U3A Adelaide, July 11, 2016
"Resurgence and Large-N": Continuous Advances in QCD, University of Minnesota, May 14, 2016.
SPS colloquium: "Much Ado About Nothing: Creating Particles from Vacuum", Bard College, April 29, 2016
lecture course: "Decoding the Path Integral", Gothenburg Centre for Advanced Studies, Chalmers University, April 7-22, 2016
seminar: "Resurgence relations in quantum spectral problems'', Analysis and Operator Theory Seminar , Ohio State Math, March 23, 2016
2 lectures: "Beginners' guide to resurgence and trans-series in quantum theory", UMass ACFI workshop "Recent Developments in Semiclassical Probes of Quantum Field Theories", March 17, 2016
seminar: "Resurgence and Non-perturbative physics: decoding the path integral'',
Brown Univ, April 19, 2017
UConn Physics, October 31, 2016
Univ of Adelaide, June 22, 2016
Ohio Univ, March 22, 2016
Rutgers, March 1, 2016
Brandeis, Jan 25, 2016
Kavli IMPU, Tokyo, Nov 30, 2015
seminar: "Nonlinear QED and Intense Lasers", Univ. Michigan, Dec 8, 2015
review talk: "Resurgence and Non-perturbative physics'', KEK Theory Workshop, Tsukuba, Dec 3, 2015
2/3/14-2/7/14: CERN 2014 Lectures on "Resurgence and Non-perturbative Physics''. Lecture course (4 lectures) at 2014 CERN Winter School: Supergravity, Strings, and Gauge Theory.
3/1/15 - 3/6/15: Schladming 2015 Lectures on "Resurgence, trans-series and quantum theory''. Lecture course (4 lectures) at 2015 Schladming Winter School: Intersection Between QCD and Condensed Matter, Austria.
3/16/15 - 3/20/15: co-organizer of workshop:
Resurgence and localization in string theory and quantum field theory, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook
8/19/15: review talk: "Overview of the resurgence program'', workshop Gauge Field Topology: From Lattice Simulations and Solvable Models to Experiment, Simons Center, Stony Brook